In collaboration with Qartaj international Group in Tunisia

An assessment on strategies to promote sustainable online marketing of Agricultural produce in the Regions of Bo, Pujehun and Kailahun Districts.





Passions for Education and Development.


To promote  physical and economic development, human capital empowerment, climate change, and human right advocacy.


To achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of United Nation by 2030

Bizskill Academy Sierra Leone

Mamadu Hady Sow, Chief Executive Officer
Mamadu Hady Sow, Chief Executive Officer

Organization Background

Bizskill Academy Sierra Leone is a community based development Social Entrepreneurship organization which is established by the country's most influential youth. Mamadu Hady Sow, a Diploma graduate from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), a final year Degree Student in Accounting and Finance from Saint Monica University (SMU)The American international University and an entrepreneurship Certificates holder from Bizskill Academy in Canada, has years of working experience with local development programs, Banking industry and international organization (NGOs). He has passion in promoting education, community development and economic development. The need for the involvement of youths in community development cannot be over- emphasized as over sixty percent (60%) of the country's population are all youths. It is from this background that Bizskill Academy SL is formed. This organization shall endeavor to establish a clear, friendly, common understanding and full participation towards the development of education and the country as a whole, as well as to promote unity, advocacy for human rights and against discrimination based on disability, gender, tribalism, regionalism and political affiliation in the Western area rural district and Sierra Leone as a whole. Bizskill Academy SL is registered with the city council of the Western area rural district Sierra Leone, (Registration No: WARDC/CBO/06/2020/224).

At Bizskill Academy, we promote the best modern learning system and economic development. We create a spaces to live, love and feel at home.

Organs of the organization:

The organization is comprise of the following organs:

 Executive Director

 Program Manager

 Project Coordinator

 Admin & Finance officer

 Project Officer

 Field Officer

 Project Assistant

Human Capital

We are an organization of change and an appliance of grace and Destiny.

Promoting free quality education through the establishment of online entrepreneurship education.

Youths Empowerment through Education

passion in promoting education, community development and economic development.

Promoting Agricultural Sector by marketing their produce online.

In collaboration of Sponsored by Hivos and African Crossroads  


Our experts' attention to detail is one of our strongest qualities.

Everything from drafting to final realities.

Our Partners


African Crossroads

Qartaj international group

Rescue Children Sierra Leone

For partnership and any other information 

No. 12 Quarry Road, Rokel, Freetown. Sierra Leone/Mail: 78 360076/+232 77 501792
(c) By Bizskill Academy Sierra Leone All Right Reserved
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